
杂食动物 最爱蛋挞

*如果你英语没有考到第一 还比第一低了几分。
•你的女神:云淡风轻(也许根本没有对你抱有什么信心 也许根本没放在心上)
•你的班主任:你说说你对得起英语老师伐 你对得起你自己伐 你最近心理状态没问题把
•吃瓜群众:你居然连xxx都考不过 真辣鸡

Well,er,what's wrong with the whole world❔🙅I don't care at all cuz they all stand for a vulgar definition XXX…Idk who do they think they are,I just see those people as a mess of big shitttt(except my English teacher) and never think thoses opinions are powerful enough to make myself change definitely...💣I judge what I need,what shape and size my life owns.

Now, so they, themselves, are something of an “enigma”, I would say.🔍Their faces change as your action changes.
What rubbishXD!!!
That's all.

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